How I accidentally started a business
I may be revealing my age a little here but when I was born my mother was still using cloth diapers. She used them on my older brother and also on my little sister. My sister and I are only fourteen months apart and for a short while mom had two little ones in cloth diapers – what a mess, literally! Hearing mom talk about it later on in life was both funny and tragic. It sounded like all she did was change diapers and wash diapers, all day, every day. Bless dad’s heart, when he returned home from being a police officer, walking a beat all day, he would pitch in with “diaper doody” as he referred to it. They both looked forward to my sister and me getting off diapers - like parents look forward to their little ones going to kindergarten these days.
Wow! Disposable diapers!!!
As late as the 1970’s it was common for women to use cloth diapers and safety pins for their infants needs but as life became busier and more complicated, a quicker more hygienic invention took off like a rocket. Rinsing and washing cloth diapers became a thing of the past and the disposable diaper made changing a diaper faster and easier, just toss out the disposable diaper along with the germs and forget about rinsing, washing, disinfecting and drying the cloth diaper. Sound familiar to another chore cat lover’s deal with all the time, it should? Washing, rinsing, disinfecting and drying a litter box is exactly what all cat owners do on a regular basis.
I have been a cat owner since I was a little girl and never gave cleaning the litter box a second thought; it was just part of caring for my kitty no matter how unpleasant it was. It wasn't until my husband was diagnosed with an auto immune disorder of an unknown origin that the litter box became a concern. This disease was totally destroying his connective tissues and if not stopped, would leave him permanently immobile. The specialists suggested a treatment which would leave him without an immune system but might stop the destruction of his connective tissue. We had little choice and the treatment was administered; it was a miracle according to the doctor; the tissue destruction was halted! My husband still has a disease which makes life difficult but now he is susceptible to every flu, cold and germ out there; without an immune system these could be life threatening.
Wow! Disposable litter boxes!!!
Since he was at home full time, he took over many chores around the house to ease the burden on his family. He still wanted to be productive and changing and cleaning the litter box was a chore he knew I hated so he took over the task. The cats’ litter box needed changed right away and cleaned thoroughly. As he stood there looking at this dirty litter box, his mind was conscious of being without an immune disorder, thinking to himself “I need a safer method”. He noticed an empty shoe box sitting on the shelf and decided to use it till he could clean the litter box. He put the shoe box down and added some litter so the cats would have something to use until he got the litter box cleaned, amazingly, the older cat walked right in! He put on the rubber gloves and carried the litter box outside to be cleaned. That’s when the idea hit him – a disposable litter box!
That was almost three years ago and today we have a great design made of an earth friendly material, biodegradable, recyclable and renewable. I loved the litter box he designed so much that we decided to patent them and start a business. I haven't cleaned a litter box since and I don’t miss it at all. Since then, most of my cat loving friends and people from coast to coast have become disposable litter box users. We came up with the idea because of necessity but customers like them because of the cleanliness, convenience, durability and they are truly affordable for everyday use.
Who uses disposable litter boxes?
Our customers come from every walk of life; the one thing they all have in common is they hated cleaning the litter box. We have seniors who had a hard time physically cleaning the box; we have busy moms who love the convenience; we have pregnant women who shouldn't be handling dirty litter boxes and even small children who promised to take care of the litter box if dad would just get them a kitty. Many people have changed to disposable litter boxes because they are so much more earth friendly than traditional plastic litter trays and covered boxes. Plastic litter boxes last for a year or two in the home before they can’t be cleaned well enough to remove the smell but they last a thousand of time longer in the landfill compared to our earth friendly material. A hundred years from now, the plastic litter boxes will still be here but earth friendly litter boxes will be long gone.
Why not try some disposable litter boxes this holiday season; they’re delivered right to your door; they’re easy to use; they come as a tray or covered to reduce litter scatter and at an introductory price, they will never be more affordable. Our disposable litter boxes come with a moisture resistant barrier and last for one to four weeks depending on whether you scoop or not. Don’t let cleaning the litter box get in the way of shopping, cooking, baking, cleaning, partying, dining, wrapping presents, hanging lights, decorating the tree, entertaining family, etc…
PS: They make great presents, delivered right to your friends door… Have a merry Christmas and a happy new year!